APIA Scholars Annual Survey

APIA Scholars Annual Survey

We launched our first Annual Survey in March 2022 to learn more about how our Scholars and the broader student population are experiencing and navigating current challenges in higher education.

What is the Annual Survey?

The Annual Survey will examine the higher education experience of students from college access to transition into the workforce and identify challenges, barriers, needs, and potential supports to increase student success. The findings from this survey will inform APIA Scholars’ work in supporting our Scholars.

Who can take the survey?

  • High school and college students who started or submitted an application for the APIA Scholarship during the 2022-23 APIA Scholarship application cycle
  • Current APIA Scholars and Gates Millennium Scholars
  • Alumni of APIA Scholars and Gates Millennium Scholars

Why should I participate?

  • No one knows the college experience better than students—your voices matter!
  • Your participation will bring visibility to the wide range of experiences
  • Your responses will help APIA Scholars, policymakers, and colleges and universities better understand how to support and uplift college students

How do I participate?

  • More info to come in mid 2025

    Have questions?

    Please email research.policy@apiascholars.org with any questions!