Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholars (APIA Scholars) Chief Strategy Officer and SVP Julie Ajinkya to Join the Department of Education’s RAISE THE B.A.R. Summit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE–Washington, DC (May 1, 2023) APIA Scholars (Asian Pacific Islander American Scholars) Chief Strategy Officer and SVP Julie Ajinkya joined the Department of Education’s RAISE THE B.A.R. Summit today about using data to drive improvement in student success. The event included Department Secretary Miguel Cardona, senior members from the Department and the White House, and over 80 leaders in the higher education, research, advocacy and nonprofit sectors.

In recent years, APIA Scholars has drawn attention to the needs of under-served students from under-represented ethnicities through data disaggregation and advancing student success through data equity and data-based research and recommendations under the leadership of Ajinkya. Of particular note, APIA Scholar’s collaborative research with Robert Teranishi and members of UCLA’s Institute for Immigration, Globalization and Education on Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander student success across 8 campuses in the continental US and the Pacific Islands demonstrated the importance of data systems and their role in equitable representation. The research concluded with recommendations on how campuses can leverage inquiry and data and  to policymakers on how to better understand, serve, and improve student success.

“We are excited to participate in the Summit, along with UNLV and College of San Mateo, two of the eight institutions that were profiled in our NHPI report. This is the type of collaboration that we were recommending in our report between campuses and we are grateful for the Department of Education in bringing so many institutions, think tanks and nonprofits together with senior leaders in the Department to share insights and to move towards a data-focused approach to student success.” said Ajinkya.

The Summit features addresses from Secretary Cardona and senior members in the department in addition to discussions and sessions on data strategies, metrics, measurements and impact.

About APIA Scholars

Based in Washington, D.C. and founded in 2003, APIA Scholars (Asian Pacific Islander American Scholars) is the nation’s leading non-profit organization devoted to the academic, personal, and professional success of Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students. We celebrate our community of students whose unique stories, rich cultures, and diverse perspectives equip them to be the leaders of tomorrow. Through scholarships, higher education research and policy, and institutional partnerships, APIA Scholars carries out its mission to educate, elevate, and empower a diverse community of 25 million strong and growing.

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Wendy Wong
VP of Marketing and Communications
APIA Scholars (Asian Pacific Islander American Scholars)