APIA Scholars Monthly Newsletter
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APIA Scholars is pleased to offer Scholar Relief Funds to current or recent APIA Scholarship recipients who are seeking an undergraduate degree at an U.S. accredited college or university.
Please review our eligibility criteria and qualifying situations below before applying.
Scholar Relief Funds, a need-based financial assistance opportunity, is available to current and former APIA Scholarship recipients. Scholar Relief Funds include Emergency Funds to support scholars who are experiencing a temporary, unexpected financial hardship that puts students at risk of being unable to persist in their educational pursuits or graduate from college.
Scholar Relief Funds are currently made possible through generous support from Macy’s and Morgan Stanley.
Current or former APIA Scholarship recipients who are seeking an undergraduate degree at an U.S. accredited college or university are eligible.
Scholars applying for emergency funding must be experiencing an unexpected and temporary financial crisis.
A financial crisis that is unexpected and temporary (not ongoing) and if not dealt with immediately may have a severe impact on your ability to continue in your undergraduate academic progress.
A demonstrated financial crisis could result from (but not limited to):
Scholars can ask for up to $2,500 to help with (but not limited to):
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team at connect@apiascholars.org.
Scholars may apply as needed. Scholars who receive emergency funds have a lifetime cap of $5,000.
Scholars will need to provide documentation from a third-party source demonstrating your intended expenses for the amount requested. For example, students experiencing housing insecurity should provide a copy of their lease or rent invoice.
All documentation submitted should clearly identify the amount requested as well as the category or item a scholar is requesting funding for.
If you have not received a response to your application or you have any concerns, please reach out to our team at connect@apiascholars.org.