Celebrating a Full-Circle Journey with the APIA Community

By Nhi Bui, PharmD | Medical Science Liaison Oncology | Medication Safety | Research & Implementation | Collaboration & Mentorship Navigating a new country as a high school student was challenging enough, but nothing prepared me for the heartbreak that…

AANHPI Heritage Month Reflections

To celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, APIA Scholars is excited to feature voices from our staff and Board of Directors! Below are reflections on identity, work life, and heritage from Aimée Meher-Homji (Board Chair), Christina…

Disability and AANHPI Identities

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, which is a time to intentionally reflect on the role of disabilities in diverse workplaces and the responsibility we all share in fostering belonging. Disability is particularly unique because it can become part…

APIA Examples of Leadership

In July, APIA Scholars hosts our annual Elevating Leaders Summit (ELS) where first and second-year scholars engage in conversation about leading with authenticity and building leadership skills informed by identity, culture, and values. ELS offers a unique opportunity for scholars…

Letter to APIA Scholars friends, partners, and scholars

Happy Lunar New Year! 2021 is the Year of the Ox, which represents movement, patience, strength and persistence. As the second symbol of twelve in the Chinese zodiac, the Ox offers us a set of very fitting values to inspire…

Get comfortable with a little greatness

In the words of our former first lady, Michelle Obama, today, I am ‘getting comfortable with a little greatness’. I am proud of our community and the opportunity that we have in front of us to impact policy, to re-shape…

Take the World by Storm

In 1942-1945 my grandfather, Cecil Bowers, was in the Army Air Corps (now the Air Force). Grandpa was the radio operator and tail gunner on a B-24 Liberator over the European theater during WWII.  His nickname was  “Static” and, today,…